What are Amarillo Public Records?
Under the TPRA, Amarillo public records include any physical or electronic document, generated, maintained, transmitted, or received, in connection with the transaction of official public business. They include paper, film, devices that can store an electronic signal, tape, mylar, and any physical material on which information can be recorded. It can also be a book, letter, document, paper, e-mail, picture, sound recording, film, tape, map, and recording. However, there are certain documents and records that are exempted from public access. They include:
- Confidential information;
- Confidentiality of certain personnel information;
- Information that the disclosure will infringe the privacy of a person;
- Litigation or settlement negotiations involving the state or a political subdivision;
- Information related to competition or bidding;
- Information related to location or price of property for public purpose prior to the public announcement of the project or the formal award of the contract;
- Certain legislative documents, such as a draft or working paper about a proposed legislation or an internal bill analysis or working paper for the purpose of evaluating proposed legislation;
- Certain legal matters, such as where a court court prohibits the public disclosure of certain information;
- Information relating to the confidentiality of sensitive crime scene image;
- Information about student records;
- Birth and death records;
- Records or documents exempted from public disclosure by law.
Amarillo Crime Statistics
The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) provides statistics of crime rate in all cities and counties in the state. In 2019, Amarillo reported a total number of 9,282 crimes, including 1,447 violent crimes and 7,835 property crimes. Violent crimes reported include 15 murders, 161 rapes, 246 robberies, and 1,025 aggravated assaults. Property crimes reported include 1,439 burglaries, 5,425 larcenies, and 971 auto thefts. The 2019 crime statistics show a significant decline in the total number of crimes reported in the city in the previous year. Between 2018 and 2019, there was a decline in five out of seven crimes. Rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, and larceny declined by 20%, 19%, 7%, 6%, and 10% respectively. At the same time, murder and auto theft increased by 25% and 7% respectively.
Are Amarillo Criminal Records Public?
Amarillo criminal records of persons charged with Class B misdemeanor or greater violations are available to the general public. These records include disposition of cases, convictions, and deferred adjudications. Access to other criminal records is restricted to the owner of the record through the personal review system. The DPS provides interested persons with access to criminal records in Texas. It carries out background checks and provides copies of criminal history records to requesters.
How to Obtain Amarillo Police Reports and Arrest Records?
The Amarillo Police Department generates and maintains Amarillo arrest records and police reports. It provides copies of these records to interested persons that submit requests to the Records Division. To obtain police reports, complete the open records request form and submit it by mail or in person to the Records Division:
Amarillo Police Department
200 South East 3rd Street
Amarillo, TX 79101
Phone: (806) 378-9341 (Police Records Manager)
Phone: (806) 378-3579 (Open Records Inquiries)
Fax: (806) 378-9371
Email: apdrecords@amarillo.gov
Each request is processed in 45 working days, or sometimes longer. If the request form is not accessible, the requester can submit a written request with information providing sufficient description and details of the requested information. This will help the Police Department to accurately identify the requested information. Another alternative is the online portal for police reports.
To obtain copies of traffic or accident reports, visit the front counter of the Police Department or use the Texas Crash Records Information System (CRIS) to purchase Amarillo traffic crash reports. To make inquiries, call (806) 378-9452.
How to Find Sex Offender Information in Amarillo?
The Texas DPS provides public sex offender information for offenders in Amarillo and other parts of the state via a sex offender registry. Residents of Amarillo can search the registry by name, location or proximity to specific locations, especially higher institutions. Residents can also download the list of sex offenders on the registry. There is the added option of receiving updates on sex offender locations and activity within specific cities. To access this service, residents should sign up to the Public Sex Offenders Subscription Service.
How to Find Amarillo Inmate Records?
Amarillo inmates are held in two jail facilities, namely the Potter County Detention Center and the Randall County Jail. The Potter County Sheriff’s Office provides inmate information to the public online by uploading a daily updated PDF document on its website. The document provides a list of inmates currently incarcerated in the jail facility and their information. The information includes the inmate’s name, sex, date of birth, charges, and booking number.
The Randall County Jail and Sheriff’s Office makes information about inmates in its jail facility available online through the Randall County Jail Roster. Interested persons may search the roster by the inmate’s name, arrest date, or their SO number. It provides information on inmate charges and bond/bail conditions if applicable. If there are jail related queries, call the Police Department at (806) 378-3038.
How Do I Visit an Inmate in Amarillo Jail?
Friends and family can visit inmates incarcerated in the Potter County Detention Center on the visiting days. Information about visiting days and times are below:
Tuesday - 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Wednesday - 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Thursday - 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Saturday - 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
To visit an inmate, contact the detention center with the information below:
Potter County Detention Center
13100 North East 29th
Amarillo, TX 79111
Phone: (806) 335-4100
Fax: (806) 335-4124
Phone: (806) 379-2943
The Randall County Jail provides online inmate visitation services. To visit an inmate, call the Jail Visitation number on (806) 468-5825 or visit the jail facility to make inquiries:
Randall County Jail
9100 South Georgia
Amarillo, TX 79118
Jail Visitation: (806) 468-5825
Jail Division: (806) 468-5752
Court Records
As the county seat, the City of Amarillo is part of the judicial system of Potter County. The courts in Potter County include five District Courts, one Constitutional Court, two County at Law Courts, four Justice Courts, and one Municipal Court. These courts handle cases ranging from civil, criminal, probate, family and domestic matters, small claims, and traffic violations. The courts also provide the general public with access to court and administrative records.
Courts in Randall County include three District Courts, one Constitutional Court, two Courts at Law, two Justice Courts, and four Municipal Courts. Similar to Potter County, Randall County courts exercise jurisdiction over civil, criminal, probate, family and domestic matters, small claims, and traffic violation cases. Both county’s courts provide the general public with access to Amarillo court records.
Location of Courts in Amarillo
Potter County District Courts
Potter County 47th District Court
501 Street Fillmore Street, #1B
P.O. Box 9570
Amarillo, TX 79105
Phone: (806) 379-2305 (Civil)
Phone: (806) 379-2313 (Criminal)
Phone: (806) 379-2319 (Family)
Potter County 108th District Court
501 South Fillmore Street, #1B
P.O. Box 9570
Amarillo, TX 79105
Phone: (806) 379-2305 (Civil)
Phone: (806) 379-2313 (Criminal)
Phone: (806) 379-2319 (Family)
Potter County 181st District Court
501 South Fillmore Street, #1B
P.O. Box 9570
Amarillo, TX 79105
Phone: (806) 379-2305 (Civil)
Phone: (806) 379-2313 (Criminal)
Phone: (806) 379-2319 (Family)
Potter County 251st District Court
501 South Fillmore Street, #1B
P.O. Box 9570
Amarillo, TX 79105
Phone: (806) 379-2305 (Civil)
Phone: (806) 379-2313 (Criminal)
Phone: (806) 379-2319 (Family)
Potter County 320th District Court
501 South Fillmore Street, #1B
P.O. Box 9570
Amarillo, TX 79105
Phone: (806) 379-2305 (Civil)
Phone: (806) 379-2313 (Criminal)
Phone: (806) 379-2319 (Family)
Randall County District Courts
Randall County 47th District Court
2309 Russell Long Boulevard, #110
Canyon, TX 79015
Phone: (806) 468-5600
Fax: (806) 468-5604
Randall County 181st District Court
2309 Russell Long Boulevard, #110
Canyon, TX 79015
Phone: (806) 468-5600
Fax: (806) 468-5604
Randall County 251st District Court
2309 Russell Long Boulevard, #110
Canyon, TX 79015
Phone: (806) 468-5600
Fax: (806) 468-5604
Potter County Constitutional County Court
Potter County Constitutional Court
500 South Fillmore Street, #201
P.O. Box 9638
Amarillo, TX 79105
Phone: (806) 379-2280
Fax: (806) 379-2296
Randall County Constitutional County Court
Randall County Constitutional Court
2309 Russell Long Boulevard, #101
Canyon, TX 79015
Phone: (806) 468-5505
Fax: (806) 468-5509
County Courts at Law in Potter County
Potter County Court at Law No. 1
500 South Fillmore Street, #201
P.O. Box 9638
Amarillo, TX 79105
Phone: (806) 379-2280
Fax: (806) 379-2296
Potter County Court at Law No. 2
500 South Fillmore Street, #201
P.O. Box 9638
Amarillo, TX 79105
Phone: (806) 379-2280
Fax: (806) 379-2296
County Courts at Law in Randall County
Randall County Court at Law No. 1
2309 Russell Long Boulevard, #101
Canyon, TX 79015
Phone: (806) 468-5505
Fax: (806) 468-5509
Randall County Court at Law No. 2
2309 Russell Long Boulevard, #101
Canyon, TX 79015
Phone: (806) 468-5505
Fax: (806) 468-5509
Potter County Justice Courts
Potter County Justice of the Peace Precinct 1
Potter County Santa Fe Building
900 South Polk, #418
Amarillo, TX 79101
Phone: (806) 349-4880
Fax: (806) 349-4887
Potter County Justice of the Peace Precinct 2
500 South Fillmore, #502
Amarillo, TX 79101
Phone: (806) 379-2390
Fax: (806) 379-2845
Potter County Justice of the Peace Precinct 3
13651 I-40 West
P.O. Box 50487
Amarillo, TX 79159
Phone: (806) 355-3070
Fax: (806) 352-0129
Potter County Justice of the Peace Precinct 4
500 South Fillmore Street, #302A
Amarillo, TX 79101
Phone: (806) 379-2817
Fax: (806) 379-2829
Randall County Justice Courts
Randall County Justice of the Peace Precinct 1
501 16th Street, #307
Canyon, TX 79015
Phone: (806) 468-5606
Fax: (806) 468-5607
Randall County Justice of the Peace Precinct 4
4320 South Western, #102
Amarillo, TX 79109
Phone: (806) 468-5658
Fax: (806) 468-5661
Potter County Municipal Court
Amarillo Municipal Court
201 SouthEast 4th Avenue
P.O. Box 1366
Amarillo, TX 79105
Phone: (806) 378-3072
Fax: (806) 378-9317
Randall County Municipal Courts
Canyon Municipal Court
301 16th Street
Canyon, TX 79015
Phone: (806) 655-5023
Fax: (806) 655-5007
Lake Tanglewood Municipal Court
1000 Tanglewood Drive
Amarillo, TX 79118
Phone: (806) 622-8711
Timbercreek Canyon Municipal Court
P.O. Box 21144
Amarillo, TX 79109
Phone: (806) 359-1808
Village of Palisades Municipal Court
P.O. Box 21144
Amarillo, TX 79114
Phone: (806) 359-1808
Are Amarillo Court Records Public?
Under Texas law, Amarillo court records are accessible to the public. However, where the court issues an order prohibiting access to a particular record, the record is exempted from public disclosure. Potter County District Court records and Randall County District Court records are under the purview of the Potter County District Court Clerk and the Randall County District Court Clerk respectively. The Potter County Clerk and the Randall County Clerk issue copies of County at Law records for their respective county jurisdictions. The City of Amarillo Municipal Court also provides the general public with access to records of the court.
Can you look up an Amarillo Court Case Online?
The Potter County Clerk and District Court Clerk provides online access to Amarillo court cases through the Court Records Search portal. This portal has basic search options that allows the user to search using the record number or the first or last name. It also provides advanced search options that helps the user filter searches. The options include party search criteria, case search criteria, judgment search criteria, and warrant search criteria.
Similar to Potter County, the County Clerk and District Court Clerk of Randall County makes court cases, including Amarillo court cases available online. Access is given through the Randall County Judicial Records portal. Interested persons can use the portal to search criminal records as well as civil, family, and probate records.
How to Obtain Amarillo Civil Court Case Records?
The Potter County District Court Clerk maintains the court’s civil case records. Individuals interested in obtaining copies of Amarillo civil court case records, fill out Request for Copies and or Search for Family and Civil Records. Enclose payment and submit it in person or by mail to:
Potter County District Court Clerk
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 9570
Amarillo, TX 79105
Physical Address:
501 South Fillmore
Suite 1B
Amarillo, TX 79101
Phone: (806) 379-2319 (Family Department)
Phone: (806) 379-2305 (Civil Department)
To request Amarillo civil court case records from the Randall County District Court Clerk, prepare a written request. This request should contain relevant information about the case of interest. Submit the request to:
Randall County District Court Clerk
2309 Russell Long Boulevard # 110
Canyon, TX 79015
How to Obtain Amarillo Criminal Court Records?
To obtain copies of Amarillo criminal court records from the Potter County District Court Clerk, interested parties must submit a completed Request for Potter County Felony Records. Attach applicable payment and submit the request to:
Potter County District Court Clerk
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 9570
Amarillo, TX 79105
Physical Address:
501 South Fillmore
Suite 1B
Amarillo, TX 79101
Phone: (806) 379-2313 (Criminal Department)
To obtain copies of Amarillo criminal court records from the Randall County District Court Clerk, residents must prepare a written request. The written request should include all relevant information about the case. Submit this request in person or by mail to:
Randall County District Court Clerk
2309 Russell Long Boulevard # 110
Canyon, TX 79015
The City of Amarillo Municipal Court handles cases within the city’s jurisdiction and keeps court records of class C misdemeanors and city, traffic and parking violations. The court provides the public with access to these court records. To obtain or view a court record, interested persons must submit a written request in person or via mail to:
201 South East Fourth Avenue
Amarillo, TX 79105-1366
P.O. Box 1366
Amarillo, TX 79105
(806) 378-3072
What are Amarillo Vital Records?
Amarillo vital records are official documents that serve as proof that certain life events occurred within the city. These vital records include birth, death, marriage, and divorce records. Amarillo divorce records are maintained by the Clerk of District Court in Potter and Randall County. Amarillo marriage records are kept by the County Clerk of Potter and Randall County. The Amarillo Vital Records Office is the primary repository for Amarillo birth and death records. The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) maintains a statewide repository of Texas vital records, including divorce and marriage verifications as well as marriage and divorce records.
Where and How to Obtain Amarillo Divorce Records?
Amarillo divorce records are maintained by the Clerk of District Court of the county where the divorce was granted. This may be either Potter or Randall County. To obtain copies of Amarillo divorce records from Potter County, members of the public must complete the Request for Copies and or Search for Family and Civil Records form. The requester should include payment and submit it to:
Potter County District Clerk
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 9570
Amarillo, TX 79105
Physical Address:
501 South Fillmore
Suite 1B
Amarillo, TX 79101
Phone: (806) 379-2319 (Family Department)
To obtain Amarillo divorce records from Randall County, interested parties will need to send a written request or query the District Court Clerk in person at:
Randall County District Court Clerk
2309 Russell Long Boulevard # 110
Canyon, TX 79015
Alternatively, requesters may obtain a divorce verification letter from the DSHS. Interested persons should fill out the Application for Marriage or Divorce Verification. Attach a cheque or money order payment of $20 and a copy of a valid photo ID. Send the request to:
Texas Vital Records
Department of State Health Services
P.O. Box 12040
Austin, TX 78711-2040
Where and How to Get Public Amarillo Marriage Records?
Amarillo marriage records are kept by the county clerk where the marriage was performed. Hence, Amarillo marriage records are either with the Potter County Clerk or the Randall County Clerk. To obtain an Amarillo marriage certificate, a requester should send a written request or visit the office of the appropriate County Clerk at:
Potter County Clerk
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 9638
Amarillo, TX 79105
Physical Address:
500 South Fillmore Street
Suite 201
Amarillo, TX 79101
Phone: (806) 379-2290
Phone: (806) 379-2275
Phone: (806) 379-2280
Fax: (806) 379-2296
Email: countyclerk@co.potter.tx.us
Randall County Clerk
2309 Russell Long Boulevard
Suite 101
Canyon, TX 79015
Phone: (806) 468-5505
Another option to marriage records are marriage verification letters. The DSHS issues verification letters at $20 per copy for marriages performed from 1968 to date in Texas. Mail requests are the only acceptable methods to obtain marriage verification letters. Interested persons should fill out the Application for Marriage or Divorce Verification and provide a copy of a valid photo ID and payment. Submit them by mail to:
Texas Vital Records
Department of State Health Services
1100 West 49th Street
P.O. Box 12040
Austin, TX 78756-3191
Where and How to Get Confidential Marriage Records in Amarillo?
All marriage records in Amarillo are considered public.
Where and How to Find Amarillo Birth Records?
The Amarillo Office of Vital Statistics manages and processes requests for Amarillo birth records. Amarillo birth records are considered confidential until after 75 years of the registration of the birth. Individuals that have access to birth records include the record owner, their parents, or close family relation (with proof of relationship) and persons with legal authorization to access the birth record.
Interested qualified persons can request Amarillo birth certificates online, in person, or by mail. Online requests cost $23 per copy, A requester will be required to upload a form of identification. For in-person and mail requests, complete the Application for Birth and Death Record form. The completed form should be accompanied by payment and a copy of a form of identification. Submit these documents in person or by mail to:
City of Amarillo
Office of Vital Statistics
601 South Buchanan
P.O. Box 1971
Amarillo, TX 79105
Alternatively, Amarillo birth records can be requested from the DSHS. Requesters should fill out the Texas Birth Certificate Application. The filled-out form, with a valid photo ID and payment, should be submitted to:
Texas Vital Records
Department of State Health Services
1100 West 49th Street
P.O. Box 12040
Austin, TX 78756-3191
Where and How to Find Amarillo Death Records?
The Amarillo Office of Vital Statistics manages and processes requests for Amarillo birth records. Amarillo birth records are considered confidential until after 25 years for deaths registered in the city. Individuals that have access to birth records include the record owner, their parents, or close family relation (with proof of relationship) and persons with legal authorization to access the birth record.
Interested qualified persons can request Amarillo birth certificates online, in person, or by mail. Online requests cost $21 for the first copy and $4 for each additional copy requested at the same time, A requester will be required to upload a form of identification. For in-person and mail requests, complete the Application for Birth and Death Record form. The completed form should be accompanied by payment and a copy of a form of identification. Submit these documents in person or by mail to:
City of Amarillo
Office of Vital Statistics
601 South Buchanan
P.O. Box 1971
Amarillo, TX 79105
The DSHS also provides copies of Amarillo death records through in person or by mail requests. Simply complete the Texas Death Certificate Application and notarize it. The completed form should be accompanied by a copy of a valid photo ID and payment. Submit these documents to:
Texas Vital Records
Department of State Health Services
1100 West 49th Street
P.O. Box 12040
Austin, TX 78756-3191